
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences


In this paper, the transient and steady-state performances of an isolated self-excited induction generator driven by a wind turbine and feeding power to a dynamic load such as a three-phase induction motor are analyzed. Mathematical modeling and simulation study of the whole system, including the wind turbine, induction generator, capacitor, pulse width modulated voltage source inverter, and dynamic load, are carried out with closed-loop voltage and frequency controller. The complete system is modeled in the stationary $d-q$ frame and validated by comparing simulation and experimental results at no-load. The same mathematical model is then used to study the transient performance of the self-excited induction generator supplying to a dynamic load. When the induction motor is connected to the induction generator without any voltage and frequency controller, it causes severe transients in electrical and mechanical variables of the generator. Due to the large starting-current requirement of the induction motor, there is a collapse of the terminal voltage of the generator. A bidirectional pulse width modulated source inverter with DC link battery is connected with the generator and operated in closed-loop control mode to maintain voltage and frequency and to operate the induction motor successfully with variable wind speed and mechanical load.




Wind turbine, self-excited induction generator, dynamic modeling, pulse width modulated voltage source inverter, PI controller

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