
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences


In this paper, a simple-implemented and reliable AC--DC optimal power flow (OPF) is proposed. Although high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission lines are being increasingly used in power systems, new optimization algorithms such as evolutionary and memetic algorithms, which never stick in local minimum, so far have not been implemented in the AC--DC OPF problem. An evolutionary algorithm known as the shuffled frog leaping algorithm (SFLA) is proposed in this paper to solve the OPF dispatch in an AC--DC power system (including both high-voltage alternating current and HVDC transmission lines). The implementation of the AC--DC OPF with these kinds of methods is much simpler than that of traditional (numerical) algorithms. In order to prove the quality of the SFLA, the proposed method is applied to 2 case studies, including the Western System Coordinating Council 9-bus and IEEE 30-bus power systems, and compared with the conventional particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm and 3 of its modified versions, while the constraints are all satisfied. The results of comparison indicate that the SFLA is a reliable and fast optimization method with higher quality solutions among the other applied algorithms.




AC--DC optimal power flow, shuffled frog leaping algorithm, particle swarm optimization, HVDC transmission lines

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