
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences


In this paper, performance analysis of joint source-channel coding techniques for error-resilient transmission of three dimensional (3D) models are presented. In particular, packet based transmission scenarios are analyzed. The packet loss resilient methods are classified into two groups according to progressive compression schemes employed: Compressed Progressive Meshes (CPM) based methods and wavelet based methods. In the first group, layers of CPM algorithm are protected unequally by Forward Error Correction (FEC) using Reed Solomon (RS) codes. In the second group, embedded bitstream obtained from wavelet based coding is protected unequally with FEC as well. Both groups of methods are scalable with respect to both channel bandwidth and packet loss rate, i.e. they try to optimize FEC assignments with respect to channel bandwidth and packet loss rates (PLR). In-depth analysis of these techniques are carried out in terms of complexity, robustness to losses and compression efficiency. Experimental results show that wavelet based methods achieve considerably better quality compared to CPM based methods.




Visual communications, error correction, computer vision, 3D models, wavelet transform, error resilience

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