
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences


This paper presents the results of the Adaptive-Network Based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) for the prediction of path loss in a specific urban environment. A new algorithm based ANFIS for tuning the path loss model is introduced in this work. The performance of the path loss model which is obtained from proposed algorithm is compared to the Bertoni-Walfisch model, which is one of the best studied for propagation analysis involving buildings. This comparison is based on the mean square error between predicted and measured values. According to the indicated error criterion, the errors related to the predictions that are obtained from the algorithm are less than the errors that are obtained from the Bertoni-Walfisch Model. In this study, propagation measurements were carried out in the 900 MHz band in the city of Istanbul, Turkey.




ANFIS, propagation measurements, path loss, urban environment

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