Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Tracking is the main factor which limits the safe working electric stress of insulation in power system applications. Polymer samples have been tested in laboratory conditions according to ASTM D2303 on accelerated inclined plane tracking test. In this paper, a model based on improved Weibull statistics is proposed for estimating the breakdown time of polymeric insulating materials with borax. The confidence intervals of the Weibull shape parameter and the Weibull scale parameter are determined for the borax concentration values using the Weibull 7++ program.
Electrical materials, reliability, surface tracking
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Recommended Citation
ERSOY, AYSEL; ÖZCELEP, YASİN; and KUNTMAN, AYTEN (2008) "A Study on the Reliability of Polyester Insulators Blended with Borax," Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences: Vol. 16: No. 3, Article 8. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/elektrik/vol16/iss3/8
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