Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
We analyze the stability properties of an end-to-end congestion control scheme under fixed heterogeneous delays, and for general network topologies. The scheme analyzed is based on the congestion control game of [1], with the starting point being the unique Nash equilibrium of that game. We prove global stability of this solution (and hence of the congestion control algorithm) under a mild symmetricity condition. We further demonstrate the stability of the algorithm numerically for various delays, user numbers, and topologies
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ALPCAN, TANSU and BAŞAR, TAMER (2004) "Global Stability Analysis of an End-to-End Congestion Control Scheme for General Topology Networks with Delay," Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences: Vol. 12: No. 3, Article 2. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/elektrik/vol12/iss3/2
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