
Turkish Journal of Botany

Correction Statement

This article has been revised, and a corrigendum has been issued to address errors in the original manuscript. For details, please refer to the corrigendum available here.


During a survey of agarics in the Mediterranean region of southwestern Turkey, some noteworthy mushrooms were collected. Among the specimens, two represent new species of Inocybe which are proposed and illustrated in this study as Inocybe pseudogeophylla and I. succinea. Molecular phylogenetic analyses based on a nuc rDNA ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 (ITS) and partial 28S rDNA (LSU) dataset reveal that these species belong to the Inocybe geophylla group. The sequences of the new species form two independent lineages and differ from the known species of Inocybe by a unique combination of morphological characteristics. Detailed macro- and micromorphological features, colour photographs, habitat and distribution data for the two novel species are provided, and their relationships with closely related species are discussed.




Agaricales, Basidiomycota, molecular systematics, nrITS DNA, nrLSU DNA, taxonomy

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