
Turkish Journal of Botany


Micromorphological characteristics of 13 Trifolium species, which are grown in the province of Bolu, were examined using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The morphological characteristics determined from the study were subjected to morphometric analyses and their variation spectrums were defined. Tricolporate pollen grains showed two pollen shapes, prolate and subprolate, according to equatorial view. The smallest size of polar axis length (18.00 μm) was found in T. micranthum Viv. from section Chronosemium Ser.; the largest (88.95 μm) was found in T. hirtum All. from section Trifolium L.. Statistically, the smallest seeds were found in T. resupinatum L. from the section Vesicaria Crantz. with an average size of 1.01 mm. However, the largest seeds were observed in T. hirtum species from the section Trifolium with an average size of 2.04 mm. The results gave similar groupings in cluster (CA) and principal coordinate analysis (PCoA). Main taxa were grouped under section Trifolium; T. campestre Schreb. and T. micranthum produced section Chronosemium; T. physodes Steven & M. Bieb. and T. resupinatum formed the section Vesicaria; and finally, T. nigrescens Viv. presented the section Lotoidea Crantz.. Besides taxonomical classification, pollen and seed properties of 13 Trifolium taxa were also investigated.




Trifolium, macromorphology, micromorphology, Bolu, Turkey

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