
Turkish Journal of Botany


Mustards occupy an important place among oilseed species due to their considerable economic and nutritional value and multiple uses. This study made use of 77 mustard genotypes collected from the USDA gene bank and diverse ecologies of Turkey to determine the extent of morphologic variability among them. The genotypes were screened to select genotypes appropriate for use in mustard breeding programs during 2015?16 and 2016?17 under the Mediterranean rainfed conditions of Yenimahalle (spring sowing and autumn sowing) and Haymana (spring sowing). Cluster analysis showed significant diversity among the genotypes. Promising genotypes with different genetic backgrounds for spring and autumn sowing included BJ-A2, BJ-A99, BJ-A20, BJ-AC1, and BJ-AK and BJ-A2, BJ-A3, BJ-AK, BJ-A10, BJ-B26, BJ-B5, BJ-AC1, and BJ-A14, respectively. The study concludes that a systematic selection of genotypes from a group of mustard genotypes pooled for crude oil content and seed yield traits could establish a favorable base and facilitate breeding targeted against biotic and abiotic stress in advanced spring and autumn breeding programs.




Brassica spp., mustard, oil, seed yield, morphological characterization

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