
Turkish Journal of Botany


The karyotype analyses and chromosomal data of 25 taxa belonging to the sections Macrophyllium, Hymenostegis, Hymenocoleus, and Anthylloidei of the genus Astragalus naturally distributed in Turkey are described. The cytogenetic data obtained were evaluated systematically. The following somatic chromosome numbers were found: 2n = 16 for A. oleaefolius, A. dipodurus, A. cephalotes, and A. yukselii; 2n = 32 for A. longifolius; and 2n = 48 for A. isauricus in the sect. Macrophyllium; 2n = 16 for A. zohrabi, A. sosnowskyi, A. velenovskyi, A. trifoliastrum, and A. uraniolimneus; 2n = 18 for A. hymenocystis; 2n = 48 for A. lagopoides, A. gueruenensis, and A. ciloensis; and 2n = 64 for A. hirticalyx in the sect. Hymenostegis; 2n = 48 for A. vaginans in the sect. Hymenocoleus; and 2n = 16 for A. szowitsii, A. ermineus, A. zederbaueri, A. anthylloides, A. halicacabus, A. chardinii, and A. wagneri; and 2n = 48 for A. surugensis in the sect. Anthylloidei. In all taxa, the karyotype results were obtained for the first time. A. szowitsii is the most symmetrical karyotype in both index values. While A. zohrabi is the most asymmetrical karyotype in intrachromosomal asymmetry, A. wagneri is the most asymmetrical karyotype in interchromosomal asymmetry.




Astragalus, asymmetry index, Fabaceae, karyotype

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