
Turkish Journal of Botany


Flower development is a complex physiological phenomenon that is affected by environmental stimuli and endogenous signals. Several molecular approaches have provided a comprehensive view of the physiological processes associated with flower development, but little is known about proteomic changes. Therefore, we investigated the proteomic alterations during flower development in endemic Thermopsis turcica (Vuralia turcica), an unusual legume species with 3-4 free carpels in a single flower. A comparative proteomic analysis to identify proteins involved in flower development was carried out in T. turcica. Alterations in proteomes of the flower buds and fully opened flowers were studied by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. A total of 66 proteins were differentially expressed during flower development. Among them, 32 protein spots were identified by mass spectrometry. Functional annotation of these flower proteins revealed their involvement in transcription and protein metabolism, energy and carbohydrate metabolisms, plant defense, cell walls, photosynthesis, secondary metabolism, and amino acid metabolism. Moreover, most of these proteins were downregulated at the later stage of flower development. Proteins involved in protein metabolism, sugar metabolism, and stress defense are regulated during flower development, suggesting that they have possible roles in developmental regulation. These results have given new insights into the proteome alterations during flower development.




Endemic, flower development, proteomics, Thermopsis turcica

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