
Turkish Journal of Botany


A set of 189 single seed lines (validation set, v-set), derived from a natural crossing crossing between 11 founder lines, were used as a different genetic background to validate markers associated with frost tolerance and leaf fatty acid composition content in the winter faba bean. These lines were evaluated in 20 replications with lattice design under three freezing temperatures (-16 °C, -18 °C, and -19 °C). Two morphological traits, regrowth after frost (REG) and area under symptom progress curve (AUSPC), were scored. In addition, leaf fatty acid composition content was analyzed after hardening conditions (without frost). High significant correlation was found between REG and AUSPC (r = -0.58**). AUSPC showed positive significant correlations with C18:0 and C18:2, and negative significant correlations with C18:3. Three RAPD markers were validated in a v-set and were found to be associated with REG and fatty acid contents (C18:0, C18:2, and C18:3). Of these markers, two were found to be associated with more than one trait. The results of the present study indicate that improving the winter faba bean using marker-assisted selection (MAS) is feasible and effective in accelerating breeding programs for producing cultivars with high frost tolerance.




Faba bean, frost tolerance, QTL validation, marker-assisted selection

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