
Turkish Journal of Botany


In this study, the phytosociological structure of floodplain forests in the Euxine region of Turkey was examined from a large-scale perspective. For this goal, all of the published relevés were analyzed using the numerical classification and ordination techniques, which are widely used in phytosociological studies all over the world. In summary, a syntaxonomical scheme for floodplain forests with 11 communities (five associations and one alliance were newly identified) was suggested as follows: Fraxino angustifoliae - Ulmetum laevis Slavi 1952 allerietosum petiolatae Kavgacı et al. Subass. Nov. Hoc loco; Fraxino angustifoliae - Ulmetum laevis Slavi 1952 junglandetosum regiae Kavgacı et al. 2011; Leucojo aestivi - Fraxinetum angustifoliae Glava 1959 alnetosum glutinosae Glava 1959; Smilaco excelsae - Fraxinetum angustifoliae Pavlov et Dimitrov 2002 prunellotosum vulgaris Pavlov et Dimitrov 2002; Apocyno veneti - Fraxinetum angustifoliae (Özen 2010) Kavgacı et al. Ass. Nov. Hoc loco; Euphorbio strictae - Fraxinetum angustifoliae (Aydogdu 1988) Kavgacı et al. Ass. Nov. Hoc loco (Alno - Quercion, Populetalia alba, Salici purpureae - Populetea nigrae); Aro hygrophyli - Fraxinetum angustifoliae (Kutbay et al. 1998) Kavgacı et al. Ass. Nova hoc loco; Pterocaryo pterocarpae - Alnetum barbatae Quézel et al. 1992; Platanthero chloranthae - Fraxinetum oxycarpae Korkmaz et al. 2012; Sambuco ebuli - Alnetum barbatae (Korkmaz et al. 2012) Kavgacı et al. Ass. Nov. Hoc loco (Periploco graecae - Fraxinion angustifoliae Kavgacı et al. All. Nova hoc loco, Populetalia alba, Salici purpureae - Populetea nigrae); and Geranio robertiani - Carpinetum betuli Kavgacı et al. 2011 (Carpino betuli - Fagion orientalis, Rhododendro pontici - Fagetalia orientalis, Querco - Fagatea).




Euxine, floodplain forest, phytosociology, Turkey, vegetation

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