
Turkish Journal of Botany


A new species, Bucklandiella seppeltii Bednarek-Ochyra, Ochyra, Sawicki & Szczecinska, is delimited by its distinct morphology and biogeography. The geographical range of the new species is restricted to the southern-temperate and southern-cool-temperate zones of Tasmania and New Zealand, with maximum occurrence on the South Island of the latter insular country. The species is described and illustrated and its distribution is mapped. The systematic position of B. seppeltii is revealed to be a sister to New Zealand B. allanfifei Bednarek-Ochyra & Ochyra by molecular evidence based on parsimony analysis of nuclear sequences. In some morphological and anatomical traits, B. seppeltii is similar to southern South American cool-temperate B. heterostichoides (Cardot) Bednarek-Ochyra & Ochyra but is distinct by its smooth laminal cells, strict hyaline leaf hair points, erect growth form, and very broadly recurved leaf margin in the distal portion.




Auckland Islands, Bryophyta, Campbell Islands, distribution, molecular phylogeny, New Zealand, South America, Tasmania, taxonomy

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