
Turkish Journal of Botany


The genus Ganoderma consists of cosmopolitan polypore mushrooms, many of which can cause different types of rots in plants. Many species of this genus are being used for their medicinal and nutraceutical properties in many countries. The present study provides a comparative evaluation of taxonomy, physicochemical parameters, and chemical constituents of Ganoderma lucidum and G. philippii collected from different localities of Uttarakhand, India. The macroscopic and microscopic characters on the basis of which G. lucidum differs from G. philippii include habit, external basidiocarp characteristics, context, pore tube layers and pores, cutis type, and shape and size of basidiospores. The fruiting bodies of both the species were air-dried and ground to powder, which was analyzed for physicochemical parameters and subjected to qualitative chemical screening. The crude powder was subjected to successive Soxhlet extraction for the preparation of various extracts using different solvents. Physicochemical analysis showed variation with respect to foreign matter, moisture content, ash content, extractive values, absorption properties, emulsion properties, foaming properties, dispersibility, and bulk density. Qualitative chemical screening of various extracts showed the presence of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, glycosides, phenolic compounds, steroids, terpenoids, and saponins in both species.




Ganoderma, polypore mushroom, basidiocarp, Uttarakhand

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