
Turkish Journal of Botany


In this study, heavy metal (Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, and Zn) contents of wild-growing mushrooms and soil samples collected from Bigadiç (Balıkesir) were determined. A total of 38 fungal taxa were found in the study area. Among the mushroom samples analysed, minimum and maximum metal contents were 0.11-2.58 mg kg^-1 for Cd, 1.01-19.55 mg kg^-1 for Cr, 2.61-72.44 mg kg^-1 for Cu, 1.38-47.52 mg kg^-1 for Mn, and 5.75-97.55 mg kg^-1 for Zn. For all elements, values are within the acceptable levels as reported by several researchers. Hohenbuehelia petaloides (Bull.) Schulzer had the lowest elemental composition for all elements. Metal contents of the soil samples were also within acceptable levels. Therefore, the study area does not have heavy metal contamination. Nevertheless, the Cd, Cu, and Zn contents detected in the majority of mushroom samples were relatively higher than the contents in soil samples collected from beneath them.




Heavy metal, mushroom, Balıkesir, Turkey

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