
Turkish Journal of Botany




An experiment was conducted at the University Agricultural Research Farm to study the effect of inoculation with biological nitrogen fixers on growth and yield of chilli (Capsicum annum L.) cv. "Pusa Jawala" in relation to disease incidence caused by plant-parasitic nematodes. The growth, yield, and quality parameters of chilli increased significantly with the inoculation of biological nitrogen fixers using Azospirillum and Azotobacter. Performance of Azospirillum was found better as compared to Azotobacter. Simultaneous inoculation with biofertilisers (100% recommended dose of N-fertiliser 100 kg N per ha and farmyard manure 15 t per ha) resulted the maximum growth, yield, and quality parameters. Thus, the associative nature of the above biofertilisers helps to save 25% nitrogenous fertiliser in chilli crop. There was increased content in plant nitrogen, phosphate and potash, leaf chlorophyll and residual available soil nitrogen, phosphate and potash with dual inoculation with the biological nitrogen fixers along with recommended full dose of nitrogen fertiliser. Disease intensity was recorded in decreasing order in all the treatments but more pronounced in those where biofertilisers were added.


Azospirillum, Azotobacter, organic matter, nitrogen fertiliser, plant-parasitic nematodes, chilli

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