
Turkish Journal of Botany


Motor vehicle emission showed toxic effects on seed germination and seedling growth of Peltophorum pterocarpum D.C.Baker ex K.Heyne. Germination and growth of P. pterocarpum seeds were significantly (P < 0.05) affected in the seeds collected from the polluted areas as compared to the less polluted areas. A higher percentage of decrease in seed germination was found for the seeds collected from the extremely polluted area, followed by very much polluted, polluted, and a little polluted areas as compared to the unpolluted area (control). Seedling and root lengths were also highly decreased for the seeds of the same species collected from the extremely polluted area as compared to the control. A high percentage of seedling dry weight was found for the seeds of the same species collected from the extremely polluted area (62%), followed by very much polluted area (58%), polluted area (38%), and a little polluted area (28%) as compared to the control. According to the tolerance test, seedling growth of P. pterocarpum showed the lowest percentage of tolerance in the samples collected from the extremely polluted area (53%), followed by very much polluted area (71%), polluted area (89%), and a little polluted area (92%) as compared to the campus.




Germination, growth, roadside tree, urban areas, vehicular emission

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