Turkish Journal of Botany
The holotype of Erica spiculifolia Salisb., annotated by Salisbury, has been traced in The Natural History Museum, London. No holotype of E. manipuliflora Salisb. has been located, and so a neotype, one of John Sibthorp's specimens, has been designated in The Natural History Museum, London.
Richard Salisbury, John Sibthorp, Ericaceae, Erica, Flora graeca, Turkey, holotypes, isotypes
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NELSON, E. CHARLES (2007) "The Original Material of Two Turkish Species of Erica (Ericaceae) Described and Named by Richard Anthony Salisbury (1761-1829)," Turkish Journal of Botany: Vol. 31: No. 5, Article 6. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/botany/vol31/iss5/6