Turkish Journal of Botany
The endemic Onosma bracteosum Hausskn. & Bornm. (Boraginaceae) was investigated morphologically, anatomically and ecologically. It has setae with tuberculate bases. The stem is 15-35 cm tall and erect. The leaves are equifacial and amphistomatous. Stomata cells are anisocytic and anomocytic. The stomata index is 21.25 for the upper epidermis and 25 for the lower epidermis. This plant generally prefers sandy-loamy, sandy-clayey and loamy soils. In the soil samples, the N (23%), P (26%) and K (27%) concentrations were lower in the generative periods than in the vegetative periods. According to the results of plant nutrient analysis, N% (1.140-3.274), P% (0.172-0.403) and K% (0.512-1.281) concentrations are higher in the above-ground parts during the vegetative growth period.
Boraginaceae, Onosma bracteosum, morphology, anatomy, ecology
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AKÇİN, ÖZNUR ERGEN and ENGİN, ALİ (2005) "The Morphological, Anatomical and Ecological Properties of Endemic Onosma bracteosum Hausskn. & Bornm. (Boraginaceae)Species," Turkish Journal of Botany: Vol. 29: No. 4, Article 7. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/botany/vol29/iss4/7