Turkish Journal of Botany
The chromosome numbers of 10 Veronica L. species belonging to sect. Alsinebe (Griseb.) Lehm. and sect. Beccabunga Griseb. from northern Iran are given. The chromosome numbers for 3 of the 10 studied taxa, i.e. V. siaretensis E. Lehm., V. ceratocarpa C.A.Mey. (2n = 14) and V. hederifolia L. (2n = 36) are presented for the first time. Our results are compared with previous records.
Veronica, Chromosome number, Iran, mitosis
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MEHRVARZ, SHAHRYAR SAEIDI and KHARABIAN, ARDASHIR (2005) "Chromosome Counts of Some Veronica L. (Scrophulariaceae) Species from Iran," Turkish Journal of Botany: Vol. 29: No. 4, Article 2. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/botany/vol29/iss4/2