Turkish Journal of Botany
This research details the flora of Erciyes Dağı, situated in the province of Kayseri in Central Anatolia, entirely within the Irano-Turanian phytogeographic region. A total of 2554 plant specimens were collected from the research area between 1996 and 2002. An evaluation of these specimens revealed 89 families, 433 genera and 1170 taxa (1116 species, 31 subspecies and 23 varieties). Of the 1170 taxa, 11 are pteridophytes, 12 gymnosperms and 1147 angiosperms (979 dicotyledons and 168 monocotyledons). Of these taxa, 36 are cultivars. According to the number of taxa, Asteraceae, Fabaceae and Poaceae are the largest families (137 Asteraceae, 116 Fabaceae, 88 Poaceae). The largest genera are Astragalus L. (40 taxa), Silene L. (22 taxa) and Veronica L. (19 taxa). The distribution of phytogeographic elements is as follows: Irano-Turanian 347 (29.7%), Mediterranean 79 (6.8%), Euro-Siberian 69 (5.9%) and others 675 (57.6%). Of the 194 (17.2%) endemic taxa in this area, 10 are peculiar to Erciyes Dağı. Known only from their types, Hieracium argaeum (Zahn) Sell & West and Asyneuma trichostegium (Boiss.) Bornm. were collected for the second time. The 161 taxa are new records for the square B5.
Flora, Erciyes Dağı, Kayseri, Turkey
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VURAL, CEM and AYTAÇ, ZEKİ (2005) "The Flora of Erciyes Dağı (Kayseri, Turkey)," Turkish Journal of Botany: Vol. 29: No. 3, Article 3. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/botany/vol29/iss3/3