Turkish Journal of Botany
The attachment of hairs in sections of Astragalus L. may be either basal or lateral (bifurcate). This study focuses on Astragali with bifurcating hairs in the Old World (subgenus Cercidothrix Bunge). In this study, it appears that the ratio of hair arm length, and hair form and length are usually stable at the sectional level. The proposition of uniting some sections based on morphological characters is confirmed by hair characters; for example, uniting sections Tamias Bunge, Acantherioceras Rech. f. and Pseudoerioceras Ulzijchutag with Erioceras Bunge. The most important characters in the separation of the sections are macromorphological, but hair characters are also important and the usually show a good positive correlation.
Astragalus, bifurcate hairs, Cercidothrix, Fabaceae, Old World
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GHAHREMANINEJAD, FARROKH (2004) "Value of Trichome Characteristics for the Separation of Bifurcating Hairy Astragalus L. (Fabaceae) at the Sectional Level," Turkish Journal of Botany: Vol. 28: No. 1, Article 26. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/botany/vol28/iss1/26