Turkish Journal of Botany
There are many ways to compile a Flora. The Flora of Turkey is a remarkable 10-volume work completed within a quarter-century of its inception. A review of the factors contributing to the Flora's success is provided. The Flora of Turkey is a classical Flora with an additional supplement recently produced by Turkish botanists. Flora Hellenica is another example of a classical Flora. Some aspects of its background and production are briefly mentioned. Conservationists consider the endemic flora of a country needs protection for all time, and an opportunity arose to prepare a three-volume work on the endemic flora of Greece. The first volume, covering the Peloponnese, was published in September 2001. Flora contributions and monographic work both have their uses. An unconventional model of Flora-writing is presented after the revision of a large family of plants, the Brassicaceae. The latter is a wide and diverse group, several members of which are of great economic importance. Biodiversity in the family is unquestionably demonstrated, together with comments on relationships. In summary, a good Flora survives long after the flora has gone.
Plant taxonomy, biodiversity, flora, Floras, Flora-writing, relevance, endemism, Turkey, Greece
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Recommended Citation
TAN, KIT (2004) "Flora-Writing Exemplified by Classical, Conservational and Unconventional Models," Turkish Journal of Botany: Vol. 28: No. 1, Article 17. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/botany/vol28/iss1/17