Turkish Journal of Botany
Out of the 50 soil samples taken from burnt forest land in the vicinity of the village of Kargıcak in Alanya and from the adjacent normal forest soils by the Soil Dilution Plate Method 84 different species and 12 sterile microfungi taxa were obtained. Seventy-eight of them belong to Hyphomycetes, five to Mucorales and one to Coelomycetes. The richest taxa were Penicillium (34 species), Aspergillus (16 species) and Cladosporium (5 species). As a result of quantitative analysis, it was determined that there was average of 43,780 propagules of microfungi in a bulk of fresh burnt forest soil equivalent to 1 g of oven dried soil and an verage 47,408 propagules of microfungi in the normal forest soil. The difference between the values taken from both lands was statistically insignificant.
Burnt Forest, Soil, Microfungi, Alanya
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AZAZ, AYŞE DİLEK and PEKEL, OSMAN (2002) "Comparison of Soil Fungi Flora in Burnt and Unburnt Forest Soils in the Vicinity of Kargıcak (Alanya, Turkey)," Turkish Journal of Botany: Vol. 26: No. 6, Article 1. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/botany/vol26/iss6/1