Turkish Journal of Botany
The pollen morphology of 14 species belonging to seven genera viz., Cadaba Forssk., Capparis L., Cleome L., Dipterygium Decaisne, Gynandropsis DC., Maerua Forssk., of the family Capparidaceae, was investigated using a light microscope and scanning microscope. The results confirm the eurypalynous nature of the family. However, palynology is significantly helpful at the specific level. Pollen grains usually radially symmetrical, isopolar, sub-prolate to prolate, generally tricolporate, often tetra-colporate. Tectum generally spinulose, or striate-rugulate, or rugulate-reticulate often sub-psilate.
Capparidaceae, Pollen morphology and Pakistan Flora
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PERVEEN, ANJUM and QAISER, MOHAMMAD (2001) "Pollen Flora of Pakistan-XXXI Capparidaceae," Turkish Journal of Botany: Vol. 25: No. 6, Article 5. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/botany/vol25/iss6/5