Turkish Journal of Botany
The aim of this study was to determine the autecological characteristics of Reseda lutea L. (Resedaceae) distributed in Western Anatolia. The chemical and physical analysis was carried out on soil and plant samples collected from 54 different localities in Western Anatolia. The results show that the plant generally prefers sandy-loam and sandy-clayey-loam textural soils, with a slightly alkaline or medium alkaline pH. They prefer non-saline, calcareous soils which are poor in potassium and phosphorus, but the nitrogen content of the soils was found to vary greatly. The soil and plant analysis results were evaluated statistically and correlations were established.
Reseda lutea, Autecology, Distribution, Soil-plant relations
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DOĞAN, YUNUS (2001) "A Study on the Autecology of Reseda lutea L. (Resedaceae) Distributed in Western Anatolia," Turkish Journal of Botany: Vol. 25: No. 3, Article 4. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/botany/vol25/iss3/4