Turkish Journal of Botany
The pollen morphology of 4 species belonging to the 3 genera of the family Resedaceae was investigated using a light microscope and scanning microscope. Pollen grains usually radially symmetrical, isopolar, sub-prolate, rarely prolates pheroidal, tricolpate or tricolporate. Tectum reticulate. However, apertural type and pollen shape are the most significant pollen characters for delimiting the genera. On the basis of apertural types 2 distinct pollen types are recognized, namely, I: Tricolpate-type and II: Tricolporate-type.
Resedaceae, Pollen morphology, Pakistan, Flora
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PERVEEN, ANJUM and QAISER, MOHAMMAD (2001) "Pollen Flora of Pakistan - XXVIII: Resedaceae," Turkish Journal of Botany: Vol. 25: No. 1, Article 6. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/botany/vol25/iss1/6