Turkish Journal of Botany
The algal flora of lakes Aygir and Balıkli were studied qualitatively between June and Septembeer 1996. The flora of Lake Aygır was found to consist of 48 species, 26 belonging to Bacillariophyta, 17 to Chlorophyta, 4 to Cyanophyta and 1 to Euglenophyta. The flora of Lake Balıklı was found to consist of 71 species, 34 belonging to Bacillariophyta, 29 to Chlorophyta, 7 to Cyanophytaand 1 to Euglenophyta. The compositions of the species in the two lakes were similar. The main species of the algal flora of the lakes were members of Desmidiales.
Phytoplankton, epipelic, epilitic, algal flora, Lake Aygır, Lake Balıklı.
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ŞAHİN, BÜLENT (2000) "Algal Flora of Lakes Aygir and Balıkli (Trabzon, Turkey)," Turkish Journal of Botany: Vol. 24: No. 1, Article 5. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/botany/vol24/iss1/5