Turkish Journal of Botany
This study was carried out for to contribute to the flora of Istranca (Yildiz) Mountains Iying from northwest to southeast on the north of Thrace Region between 1996-1997. The study area is placed in A1 (E) square in grid system adopted DAVIS and in Euro-Siberian phytogeographical region. According to the results of this study; 321 taxa belonging to 219 genera and 65 families were recorded. Among these taxa, there are 4 Pteridophytes and 317 Spermatophytes (253 Dicotyledones and 64 Monocotyledones). The largest families are as follows: Poaceae 38 taxa (11.83%), Asteraceae 35 taxa (10.90%) and Lamiaceae 21 taxa (6.54%). The distribution of the taxa according to the phytogeographical regions is as follows: Euro-Siberian: 24.92%; Meditteranean: 8.09%; East Mediterranean: 3.73; Euxine: 2.18; Irano-Turanian: 0.93%; Hyrcano-Euxine: 0.31% and unknown: 59.81%. 10 of total taxa (3.11%) are cosmopolitan whilst 2 are endemic (0.62%). 9 of total taxa are new records for Thrace Region, whilst 5 are for A1 square.
Istranca Mountains, flora.
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YARCI, CELAL (1999) "Contributions to the Flora of the Western Part of Istranca Mountains (Kırklareli/Thrace Region)," Turkish Journal of Botany: Vol. 23: No. 3, Article 6. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/botany/vol23/iss3/6