Turkish Journal of Botany
A new Lamiaceae species, Stachys cydni Kotschy Gemici & Leblebici is described from the Bolkar Mountains (Içel) in southern Anatolia. This species grows in rock crevices at an altitude of 1450-1560 m. The diagnostic features, a detailed description and a figure of the species are given with a discussion of its taxonomy.
Stachys, Lamiaceae, plant taxonomy, plant systematics, Flora of Turkey
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GEMİCİ, Yusuf and LEBLEBİCİ, Erkuter (1998) "A New Species From Southern Anatolia: Stachys cydni Kotschy ex Gemici & Leblebici," Turkish Journal of Botany: Vol. 22: No. 5, Article 10. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/botany/vol22/iss5/10