Turkish Journal of Botany
Volume 22, Number 5 (1998)
Interactive Effects of Vernalization, Day Length and Light Intensity on the Number of Leaves and Flag Leaf Area in Some Wheat Cultivars
Yasemin EKMEKÇİ and Serpil TERZİOĞLU
Pages 303-312
Susceptibility of Different Lentil ( Lens culinaris Medik.) Cultivars toAgrobacterium tumefaciens (Smith & Townsend) Conn
Aziz KARAKAYA and Sebahattin ÖZCAN
Pages 313-316
Vegetation Mosaic around the First Center of Tourism Development in the Uludağ Mountain, Bursa-TURKEY
Gürcan GÜLERYÜZ, Hülya ARSLAN, Mustafa GÖKÇEOĞLU, and Helmut REHDER
Pages 317-326
An Autecological Study on the Vitex agnus-castus L. (Verbenaceae)Distributed in West Anatolia
Yunus DOĞAN and Hasan Hüseyin MERT
Pages 327-334
An Autecological Study on Iris pseudacorus L. (Iridaceae)
Ali ENGİN, Nezahat KANDEMİR, Gülcan ŞENEL, and Mustafa ÖZKAN
Pages 335-340
Some Macrofungi Species of European Part of Turkey
Georgi STOJCHEV, Ahmet ASAN, and Fahrettin GÜCİN
Pages 341-346
A New Ascomycete Genus (Cyathipodia Boud.) Record ForThe Fungi Flora of Turkey
M. Halil SOLAK
Pages 347-348
New Records For The Fungal Flora of Turkey
Pages 349-354
A New Aquatic Liverwort for the Flora of Turkey
İsa GÖKLER and Veysel AYSEL
Pages 355-358
A New Species From Southern Anatolia: Stachys cydni Kotschy ex Gemici & Leblebici
Yusuf GEMİCİ and Erkuter LEBLEBİCİ
Pages 359-362

- Editor-in-Chief
- Prof. Dr. Asim KADIOĞLU Karadeniz Technical University
- Associate Editors-in-Chief
- Prof. Dr. Jeff OLLERTON University of Northampton
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ferhat CELEP Kırıkkale University