Turkish Journal of Botany
Volume 21, Number 4 (1997)
Effect of Marker Gene Location in T-DNA on Gene Transfer from Agrobacterium to Plant Cells
Sebahattin ÖZCAN
Pages 189-195
In Vitro Regeneration of Anatolian Black Pine [Pinus nigra Arnold subsp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe] From Excised Embryos
Zeki KAYA and Feray GÖKÇE
Pages 197-202
Comparison of Reversal of Abscisic Acid-Induced Inhibition of Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Some Gramineae and Liliaceae Members by Kinetin and Gibberellic Acid
Kudret KABAR
Pages 203-210
Distribution of Epiphytic Lichens and Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) Pollution in the City of Bursa
Şule ÖZTÜRK, Şaban GÜVENÇ, and Ali ASLAN
Pages 211-215
Mycoflora of Derbent District (Konya)
Pages 217-220
The Macrofungi of the Soma (Manisa) and Savastepe (Balikesir) Districts
Fadime YILMAZ, Nasuh ÖDER, and Mustafa IŞILOĞLU
Pages 221-230
The Moss Flora of Sinop and Its Environs (Ayancik, Boyabat and Gerze)
Barbaros ÇETİN and Güray UYAR
Pages 231-244
The Presence of Logfia minima (Sm.) Dumort. (Compositae) in Turkey
Asuman BAYTOP and Andrew J. BYFIELD
Pages 245-246
A New Record for the Flora of Turkey
Pages 247-249
New Floristic Records for the Grid Squares A8 and B8 (Pasinler-Erzurum/Turkey)
Yusuf KAYA
Pages 251-252

- Editor-in-Chief
- Prof. Dr. Asim KADIOĞLU Karadeniz Technical University
- Associate Editors-in-Chief
- Prof. Dr. Jeff OLLERTON University of Northampton
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ferhat CELEP Kırıkkale University