Turkish Journal of Botany
New Records of Turkish Mycoflora from Beyşehir, in the Konya Province
Some macrofungal specimens were collected from fields around Beyşehir , in the Konya district. After field and laboratory studies, ten species belonging to five families were identified. These species are Clitocybe phyllophila (Fr.) Kumm., Melanoleuca brevipes (Bull.:Fr) Pat, M. pgraminicola (Vel.) Küh & Mre., Volvariella surrecta (Knapp) Sing., Agaricus essetei Bon, A. litoralis (Wakef.: Pers.) Konr & Maubl., Pholiota flavida (Schff.: Fr.) Sing., P. lucifera (Lasch) Quel., Inocybe lanuginella (Schroet.) Konr. & Maubl. ve I. whitei (B. & Br.) Sacc. f. Whitei. olup, These macrofungi are recorded for Turkish macrofungal flora for the first time in Turkey.
Macrofungi, new records, Mycoflora, Turkey
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AFYON, Ahmet (1997) "New Records of Turkish Mycoflora from Beyşehir, in the Konya Province," Turkish Journal of Botany: Vol. 21: No. 2, Article 9. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/botany/vol21/iss2/9