Turkish Journal of Botany
Behaviour of Growth in Some Spring, Alternative and Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Seedlings Under Low Temperature Conditions
The behaviour of seminal root and coleoptile were investigated in spring (Çukurova-86), alternative (Atay-85) and winter (Lancer, Haymana-79 and Bezostaya-1) wheat seedlings at low temperature (2±1^0C), in a dark environment and over 85% humidity. A second degree polynomial function was found between the increasing duration of time and the length of seminal root and coleoptile. During the first 25 days after germination, the growth rate of seminal roots was higher in winter than in spring wheats; but the rate of coleoptile was slower. A third degree polynomial function was found between the seminal root and the coleoptile length. In this respect, the polynomial curves for spring and alternative varieties were found to be different than for winter varieties. The ratio of root length over coleoptile was bigger was bigger than one during 90 days in the varieties. The number of seminal roots and branching were more pronounced in spring than in winter varieties.
Low temperature, wheat, growth behaviour
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TERZİOĞLU, Serpil and EKMEKÇİ, Yasemin (1997) "Behaviour of Growth in Some Spring, Alternative and Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Seedlings Under Low Temperature Conditions," Turkish Journal of Botany: Vol. 21: No. 2, Article 1. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/botany/vol21/iss2/1