
Turkish Journal of Biology




Previously we reported that the glucose sensing/signaling pathway affected the oxidative stress response of Schizosaccharomyces pombe, based on studies of glucose-repression and oxidative-stress-resistant mutants including ird5. sty1, encoding a protein kinase, and aft1 and pap1, encoding transcription factors, are important components of the oxidative stress response in S. Pombe. To analyze the relationship between the glucose sensing/signaling pathway and the oxidative stress response, we generated sty1, aft1, and pap1 knock-out mutants in ird5 and wild-type backgrounds. We evaluated the survival rates of the ird5 double mutants (5A, 5P, and 5S) and wild-type single mutants (9A, 9P, and 9S) under mild oxidative stress. In addition, we analyzed the transcript levels of genes related to oxidative stress (sod1, encoding superoxide dismutase; ctt1, encoding catalase) and glucose metabolism (fbp1, encoding fructose-1, 6-bisphosphatase; hxk2, encoding hexokinase). All deletion mutants showed very low survival rates under oxidative stress (


Oxidative stress response, glucose repression, Atf1, Pap1, Sty1, knock-out deletion, Schizosacharomyces pombe

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