
Turkish Journal of Biology


Electric field is known as an important regulator to guide the development and regeneration of many tissues. The aim of this study was to investigate the osteogenic differentiation potential of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) cultivated on silk-fibroin films in response to different parameters, i.e. Frequency, voltage, distance between electrodes, and/or culture conditions (growth medium or osteogenic medium). Silk films were prepared in the presence of platinum wires to study the impact of exogenous electrostimulation on the cells for up to 14 days. The experimental groups can be defined as high voltage in osteogenic differentiation medium, low voltage in osteogenic differentiation medium, and low voltage in growth medium in this study. Compared to the unstimulated controls (silk films without platinum wires), low voltage (10 mV) did not influence proliferation, while it enhanced osteogenic differentiation according to early and late osteogenic markers in osteogenic differentiation medium. In growth medium, low voltage increased cell proliferation in contrast to osteogenic medium. On the other hand, high voltage (500 mV) stimulated cell proliferation and only late osteogenic markers in osteogenic medium. The results suggest the potential to exploit exogenous biophysical control of cell functions towards tissue-specific goals.




Silk films, electrostimulation, osteogenic differentiation, human mesenchymal stem cells

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