Turkish Journal of Biology
The algae of Yanbolu River were investigated in samples collected from different habitats (epipelic, epilithic) at two stations between October 2000 and September 2001. The flora consisted of 78 taxa belonging to the Bacillariophyta (47 taxa), Cyanophyta (16 taxa), Chlorophyta (14 taxa) and Euglenophyta (1 taxon). The Bacillariophyta was the dominant form of algal flora. Amphora ovalis var. pediculus, Ceratoneis arcus, Cymbella affinis, C. minuta, Didymosphenia geminata, Melosira varians and Synedra ulna were the most frequent taxa in the algal flora. While the maximum density of the epipelic community was 29,555 cells/cm*2 at station I in June, it was 27,756 cells/cm*2 at station II in November. The speed of the water current has a great impact on the development of algal flora.
Epipelic, Epilithic, Algal Community, Yanbolu River
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ŞAHİN, BÜLENT (2003) "Epipelic and Epilithic Algae of Lower Parts of Yanbolu River (Trabzon, Turkey)," Turkish Journal of Biology: Vol. 27: No. 2, Article 8. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/biology/vol27/iss2/8