
Turkish Journal of Biology


In this study the purpose was to determine the effect of sialoadenectomy (Maternal Epidermal Growth Factor deficiency) on epididymal development and to compare it with that of antiandrogen (Flutamide) application.Forty 12-week-old, sexually mature and pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats were chosen as the animal model. They were divided into four groups; Group I : Control group, Group II : Sialoadenectomized (mated on 28^{th} day), Group III: Flutamide applied (between gestational day 11 and 21), Group IV: Sialoadenectomy + Flutamide applied. After birth, all male rats were observed morphologically on the 60th day and sacrificed on the 60^{th} day postpartum under general anaesthesia. Necroscopy was performed. Localization and the presence of the epididymal abnormalities were carefully noted. Histological sections of cauda epididymis were taken and stained with Hematoxylen-Eosin and Hematoxylen-Van Gieson. Except the control group, epididymal abnormalities were observed in all groups at various rates. The highest epididymal abnormalities were determined in group III. Reduced epididymal tubule diameters were clearly observed in group IV. In this group, histological sections of epididymis showed that there was tubular atrophy and an absence of spermatozoa in the lumen and peritubular fibrosis. In conclusion, the maternal EGF deficiency affects Wolffian duct system stabilization and leads to irreversible morphological changes and epididymal abnormalities like fetal androgen synthesis deficiency.




sialoadenectomy, flutamide, epididymal abnormalities

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