
Turkish Journal of Biology


Rooted cuttings of Çavuş (salt-resistant), Müşküle (salt-sensitive) and Sultani Çekirdeksiz (moderately salt-sensitive) grapevine cultivars, grown in perlite medium, were subjected to salt stress by irrigating them with 1/2 Hoagland nutrient solution including different NaCl concentrations (0.00, 0.50 and 0.75%). It was determined that stomatal conductance and transpiration were strongly inhibited in Müşküle and Sultani Çekirdeksiz with salt treatments, while these physiological activities were maintained with a controlled decrease in cv. Çavuş. Relative water content of leaves decreased while loss of turgor increased in cv. Müşküle due to the salt treatments. Similar changes were also observed in cv. Sultani Çekirdeksiz although their effects were less severe. In cv. Çavuş, relative water content and turgor of leaves were maintained despite the increased salt concentrations and treatment periods. In general, it was concluded that the use of water under stress conditions decreased in all the cultivars. Moreover, depend upon treatments and cultivars, salt accumulation occurred in plant growth media was well-proportioned to daily water requirements of the cultivars. The results suggested that cv. Çavuş had osmotic regulation ability apart from the other two salt sensitive cultivars.




Vitis vinifera L., NaCl, osmotic stress, salt resistance

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