Turkish Journal of Biology
Samples of water, bottom clay, plankton and fish were collected over a period of one year. The boron contents of the samples taken were determined in the laboratory. The differences and relationships in the obtained data were identified using various statistical methods. Boron gradually accumulates in the plankton, bottom clay and water of Çatören and Kunduzar. Boron collects in the tissues of the fish Cyprinus carpio in both lakes, in the musce, brain and liver in Çatören, and in the musce, liver and brain in Kunduzlar. Boron pollution is more serious in Çatören dam than in Kunduzlar. It was observed that pollution restrict the growth of fish.
Boron, Food chain, Water, Bottom clay, Plankton, Muscle, Liver, Brain, Cyprinus carpio, Aquatic environment.
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ÖZKURT, ŞAKİR (2000) "Boron Accumulation in Carp tissues ( Cyprinus carpio L., 1758) in Damlakes Çötören and Kunduzlar (Kırka-Eskişehir)," Turkish Journal of Biology: Vol. 24: No. 3, Article 26. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/biology/vol24/iss3/26