Turkish Journal of Biology
In this study, the variation of total lipid and fatty acid composition in muscle tissues of females and males of Copoeta trutta and Barbus rajanorum mystaceus living in Keban Dam Lake (Elazig) were examined. It was observed that the amount of total lipid in muscle tissues of C. trutta (p
Reproduction period; Total lipid; Fatty acid composition; C.trutta; B. rajanorum mystaceus
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KONAR, VAHİT; CANPOLAT, AYHAN; YILMAZ, ÖKKEŞ; and GÜRSU, FERİT (1999) "Variation of Total Lipid and Fatty Acid Amount and Compositions inMuscles of Capoeta trutta and Barbus rajanorum mystaceus DuringReproduction Period," Turkish Journal of Biology: Vol. 23: No. 3, Article 8. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/biology/vol23/iss3/8