Turkish Journal of Biology
PAL is a peptidoglycan-associated lipoprotein found in the cell membranes of many Gram-negative bacteria. The presence of PAL has been demonstrated in Escherichia coli and many bacteria. In this paper, we show the presence of a gene coding for a PAL-like protein in C. vinosum, a photosynthetic bacteria and the partial sequence of the PAL gene.
Chromatium vinosum, excC, P6 protein, PAL, peptidoglycan-associated lipoproteins
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DINCTURK, H. Benan and KNAFF, David B. (1998) "Pal-Like Protein Present in Chromatium vinosum," Turkish Journal of Biology: Vol. 22: No. 4, Article 2. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/biology/vol22/iss4/2