Turkish Journal of Biology
In this study, we investigated whether microwave radiation affected chromosomal structure of rats or not. Adult male Spraque-Dawley rats were irradiated for 1 h a day to continous micorwave radiation (9450 MHz) at powever density 2.65 mW/cm 2 during 13. days. The control group were exposed to the some procedurus without microwave irradiation. On the following exposure day, rats were sacrificed under cetalar anesthesia, and their femurs were removed. Satandard bone marrow chromosome analysis were caried out, and experimental group was compared with control group. Our results showed that abnormal metaphase count increased and mitotic index decreasad, therefor, after and before exposure, we found significantly difference between rectal temperature increases differences.
Microwave, Chromosome, Mitotic Index
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AKDAĞ, M. Zülküf; SERT, Cemil; ÇELİK, M. Salih; ERDAL, M. Emin; and KETANI, M. Aydın (1998) "The Effect of 9450 MHz Microwave Radiation on the Chromosomes invivo," Turkish Journal of Biology: Vol. 22: No. 1, Article 7. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/biology/vol22/iss1/7