Turkish Journal of Biology
Effects of 22 carbohydrates belonging to various groups on the levels of total glycogen and protein in the adult female Pimpla turionellae L. were investigated. Sucrose was used as control in all experiments. Among the tested carbohydrates, xylose, ribose, rhamnose, mannose, maltose, cellobiose, melesitose, raffinose, glycogen, dulcitol and mannitol caused significant decreases on total glycogen level, but arabinose, fructose, galactose, glucose, sorbose, lactose, melibiose, trehalose, starch, sorbitol and a-methyl-d-glucoside did not any significant effect. The levels of total protein of the insect was increased by xylose, while it was decreased by glucose. The other carbohydrates tested did not cause any significant effect on total protein level of the insects.
Carbohydrates, Glycogen, Protein, Pimpla turionellae.
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ÖZALP, Pınar and EMRE, İskender (1998) "Effects of Carbohydrates on Levels of Total Glycogenand Protein in Adult Female Pimpla turionellae L.," Turkish Journal of Biology: Vol. 22: No. 1, Article 3. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/biology/vol22/iss1/3