Turkish Journal of Biology
In this study, 20 male (1500±50 g) white, New Zealand strain rabbits ( Oryctolagus cuniculus huxley) jere used. Of these ten were used for experimental group, and the others were used controls. To get hyperthyroidism in the experiment animals, L-Thyroxin 50 µg/kg of body weight daily for two weeks, was injected to the animals by intravenous. The control group rabbits were injected only 0.9% isotonic salt water which L-Thyroxin dissolved in it. The levels of total ceratine kinase (CK) and cardirac creatine kinase (CK-MB) were recorded as 1079 ± 597 U/L and 879 ± 128 U/L in control group whereas these parameters were as 3558 ± 1341 U/L and 902 ± 367 U/L in hyperthroidism group, respectively. It was observer that CK (p
Hyperthyroidism, CK, CK-MB, rabbit.
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ÇELİK, İsmail; KARA, Mehmet; YEĞİN, Eşref; and KÖYLÜ, Halis (1998) "Concentrations of Creatine Kinase and Myocardial Creatine Kinase inRabbits Constituted Experimental Hyperthyroidism," Turkish Journal of Biology: Vol. 22: No. 1, Article 1. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/biology/vol22/iss1/1