Turkish Journal of Biology
Factors Affecting the Sporulation of Alternaria solani
AII combinations of six culture media and five Iight conditions were tested for inducement of sporulation of two isolates of Alternaria solani from potato Ieaves. The result of this study was that the sporulation was affected by differences of culture medium, Iight and isolate. Potato Ieaf extract agar (PLEA) was found as the most suitable medium for sporulation. A. solani isolates were grown on the PLEA under 6 d continuous fluorescent Iight to produce conidiophores at 25°C and then incubated at 20°C in the dark. After 12 h, there was abundant sporulation over the entire surface of the colony . The other \ight conditions proved Iess efficient.
Alternaria solani, sporulation, culture medium, Iight.
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DEMİRCİ, Erkol (1997) "Factors Affecting the Sporulation of Alternaria solani," Turkish Journal of Biology: Vol. 21: No. 3, Article 13. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/biology/vol21/iss3/13