Turkish Journal of Biology
Isolation and Seasonal Distribution of Mesophilic Soil Microfungi from Some Cultivated Fields of Izmir - Bergama Province
In this research, 5 different sites with different agricultural plants from the vicinity of Bergama, Izmir province, were selected and 40 soil samples were taken for two years. Using the soil dilution method; 60 different mesophilic fungal species belonging to the classes of Zygomycetes, Ascomycetes and Deuteromycetes were isolated. The seasonal distribution of these isolates were determined and according to this work 8 species were recorded for the first time in Turkey .
Mesophilic soil microfungi, seasonal distribution of mesophilic microfungi
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HALİKİ, Alev and DİZBAY, Mücahit (1997) "Isolation and Seasonal Distribution of Mesophilic Soil Microfungi from Some Cultivated Fields of Izmir - Bergama Province," Turkish Journal of Biology: Vol. 21: No. 3, Article 11. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/biology/vol21/iss3/11