
Turkish Journal of Biology

Experimental Embryology in Xenopus Laevis


Xenopus Iaevis is a new experimental subject for Turkish scientists. Our main goal was to set up FETAX (Frog Embryos Teratogenesis Assay: Xenopus) in our Iaboratory. In this study, after discussing the wide-ranging uses of Xenopus Iaevis, we present the breeding, feeding, housing and population density conditlons of Xenopus Iaevis in the Iaboratory. To induce mating, males and females were given, respectively, 500 and 1 000 I.U.'s of human chorionic gonadotropin via injection into the dorsal Iymph sac. Amplexus normally ensued within 2 to 6 hours and depositlon of eggs took place within 9 to 12 hours of injection. The embryos were then examined under microscope to determine if the eggs had been normally fertilized. In order to determine how temperature, feeding, aeration, and population density affect the developmental ratio of Xenopus embryos, we studied two groups: a control and an experimental group. It was concluded that optimum growth and development of Iarvae occur when they are kept at about 24-26 °C temperature, fed once a day, constantly aerated and given enough space for the growth of each individual.




Xenopus, feeding, temperature, aeration, population density

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