Turkish Journal of Biology
The Use of Polymerase Chain Reaction in Brassica napus Transformation Studies
The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to follow the inheritance of the transferred DNA through the T2 and 3 generations of transformed Brassica napus plants. Two oligonucleotide primers (A9 5'-126 and 3'-240) were designed on the A9 cDNA sequence and used with plasmid primers (M13-20 and RSPL). In the T2 generation (progeny of initial transformants), M13-20+A9 5'-126 primers, and in the T3 generation, RSPL+A9 3'-240 primers were used and gave 0.9 kb and 1.3 kb fragments, respectively. The results demonstrated that polymerase chain reaction was a useful and reliable technique for determination of the transformed plants.
Brassica napus, polymerase chain reaction, transformation
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TURGUT, Kenan (1996) "The Use of Polymerase Chain Reaction in Brassica napus Transformation Studies," Turkish Journal of Biology: Vol. 20: No. 2, Article 2. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/biology/vol20/iss2/2